With Rosa Anschütz’ LP Goldener Strom picking up widespread praise, BPitch presents the first installment of remixes from Ellen Allien and Métaraph.

With Rosa Anschütz’ LP Goldener Strom picking up widespread praise, BPitch presents the first installment of remixes from Ellen Allien and Métaraph. The album will undergo a transformative process, with several remix packages reimagining Rosa’s stunning works due for release in the coming months.

随着Rosa Anschütz的LP Goldener Strom获得广泛赞誉,BPitch推出了Ellen Allien和Métaraph的第一批混音作品。这张专辑将经历一个转变的过程,在未来几个月里,将有几个混音包重新想象罗莎令人惊叹的作品。

Ellen sprinkles a little Allien magic on ‘Their Blood’. Piston-driven beats pulsate alongside a stirring backdrop of gnarly synth work and Rosa’s unmistakable voice. Midway through, she incorporates a huge, melodramatic breakdown that sets the tone for the second half of this thrilling interpretation. In the past year, the prototype version of ‘’Their Blood’’ became an absolute festival staple among Ellen’s selections and a secret sensation for crowds all over the globe. In its final form, it is to be finally unleashed upon all.

艾伦在《他们的血》中撒下了一点阿利安的魔力。活塞驱动的节拍与激动人心的粗糙合成器工作背景和罗莎明确无误的声音一起跳动。中途,她加入了一个巨大的、戏剧性的分解,为这一惊心动魄的演绎的后半部分定下了基调。在过去的一年中,”他们的血 “的原型版本成为Ellen选择的绝对节日主打,并成为全球各地人群的秘密感觉。在它的最终形式中,它将最终被释放给所有人。

Photo Veronique Charotte

Métaraph takes charge of the second remix, putting their unique spin on ‘Intuitive’. Potent drums slam down, while Rosa’s vocals and a cacophony of bright sounds and effects counteract to the powerful percussive arrangement and grizzly low end. 

Métaraph负责第二张混音,在 “Intuitive “中加入了他们的独特风格。强烈的鼓声响起,而Rosa的歌声和明亮的声音和效果的嘈杂声与强大的打击性安排和灰暗的低端相抵消。