“Sameheads” by KEYI STUDIO with Fee Shultz from Izaio Models

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photography/art direction/styling: Izabella Chrobok @berlin_bunny_ & Grzegorz Bacinski @eyes_dice (@keyistudio / Berlin )
photography/art direction/styling: Izabella Chrobok @berlin_bunny_ & Grzegorz Bacinski @eyes_dice (@keyistudio / Berlin )
photography/art direction/styling: Izabella Chrobok @berlin_bunny_ & Grzegorz Bacinski @eyes_dice (@keyistudio / Berlin )
photography/art direction/styling: Izabella Chrobok @berlin_bunny_ & Grzegorz Bacinski @eyes_dice (@keyistudio / Berlin )
photography/art direction/styling: Izabella Chrobok @berlin_bunny_ & Grzegorz Bacinski @eyes_dice (@keyistudio / Berlin )
photography/art direction/styling: Izabella Chrobok @berlin_bunny_ & Grzegorz Bacinski @eyes_dice (@keyistudio / Berlin )
photography/art direction/styling: Izabella Chrobok @berlin_bunny_ & Grzegorz Bacinski @eyes_dice (@keyistudio / Berlin )
photography/art direction/styling: Izabella Chrobok @berlin_bunny_ & Grzegorz Bacinski @eyes_dice (@keyistudio / Berlin )


photography/art direction/styling: Izabella Chrobok @berlin_bunny_ & Grzegorz Bacinski @eyes_dice (@keyistudio / Berlin )
model : Pixie White @thepixiewhitefrom @izaio.modelmanagement
make-up & hair : Janette Peters
set design: Nathan @Sameheads
brands: @litichevskaya@michellebohnes , @nicoopieper , @peercox , @marinahoermanseder@perlensau , @lui.trash , @alfa_birute , @katogogiashvili , @vviciousblackk , Steel, Hugo, Emily the Strange, Peter Kaiser