Released on the 17th of February, TRYM’s ‘Trinity’ EP marks the first solo artist release on EXHALE as Amelie Lens features with her remix to kick start 2023
TRYM’s ‘Trinity’ kicks off EXHALE’s release schedule for 2023 with a remix from Amelie Lens
Emerging DJ from France, TRYM cuts the boundaries between techno and trance. Owner of the label ‘COLOR’, he has quickly become renowned for his emphatic artistic preference, completely mirroring his personality; driven, powerful and polychronic.
His latest creation titled ‘Trinity’, comes as the first-ever artist release on Amelie Lens’ hugely successful EXHALE, delivering a generous serving of hardened dancefloor energy and intrinsic euphorics.
フランス出身の新進気鋭のDJ、TRYMはテクノとトランスの境界を切り開く。レーベル “COLOR “のオーナーである彼は、彼の個性であるドライブ感、パワフルさ、ポリクロニックさを見事に反映したアーティスティックな嗜好ですぐに有名になりました。彼の最新作「Trinity」は、Amelie LensのEXHALEから初めてリリースされ、ダンスフロアのエネルギーと陶酔感をたっぷりと味わえる作品となっている。
The original of ‘Trinity’ (A1) instantly plunges you into TRYM’s undeniably unique sonic signature. Urgent industrious rhythms collide with a combination of atmospheric soundscapes, celestial vocal constructions and exhilarating melodic runs, carving out a hair-raising journey filled with rapturous emotions and endless peak-time danceability.
Amelie flips the script with a trademark spin on ‘Trinity’ (A2), centering around driving drum grooves, piercing percussive sequences and roaring analog musicality. Flooding the mix with callous beats and ever-intensifying energy, its combination of techno prowess and climactic storytelling serves as a firm reminder of Amelie’s ability to produce show-stopping big-room tracks.
The release closes on ‘Beyond Light’ (B1), providing another blisteringly unique offering from Trym. Gliding effortlessly between uplifting transitions and potent vocal-led techno segments – it’s the perfect example of Trym’s ability to combine unsubmissive underground vibes with an unexampled stylistic identity.
本作の最後を飾る「Beyond Light」(B1)は、Trymのユニークな作品である。高揚感のあるトランジションとパワフルなボーカル入りのテクノの間を難なく移動するこの曲は、Trymのアンダーグラウンドなヴァイブスと独自のスタイルを融合させる能力を示す完璧な例と言えるでしょう。


A passionate Parisian DJ, Trym, also known as “Sparkling Water Boy”, breaks the codes by combining Fast Techno & New Trance music, both in his mixes and his productions. Founder of the label “COLOR”, he highlights music that is both energetic and very melodic. A style that he demonstrated during his first Boiler Room recorded in August 2022.
パリの情熱的なDJであるTrymは、「Sparkling Water Boy」としても知られ、ファーストテクノとニュートランスをミックスし、自身の作品に反映させることでコードを破っている。 レーベル「COLOR」の創設者である彼は、エネルギッシュで非常にメロディックな音楽を強調します。2022年8月に収録された初のBoiler Roomで披露したスタイル。
A tireless perfectionist, wherever he goes, Trym always seeks to deliver his best performance. A hard worker, he is always looking for something new, colorful and fresh. Trym’s biggest challenge: is to move his audience during his sets and tell his story, which started 6 years ago…
疲れを知らない完璧主義者であるトリンプは、どこに行っても常に最高のパフォーマンスを提供することを心がけています。常に新しいもの、カラフルなもの、フレッシュなものを探し続ける努力家。 Trymの最大の挑戦は、セット中に観客を感動させ、6年前に始まった彼のストーリーを伝えることである。

Amelie Lens is a DJ/Producer at the forefront of today’s techno scene.
The Antwerp native exploded onto the scene due to a long-standing love affair with music, ignited by her first outing to Belgium’s Dour Festival at just 15 years old. Fast forward a few years and Amelie is now heading her two labels, Lenske & Exhale Records, as well as the fast-growing party series EXHALE and her own radio show.
Amelie Lensは、今日のテクノシーンの最前線にいるDJ/プロデューサーです。アントワープ出身の彼女は、わずか15歳でベルギーのDour Festivalに初めて参加したことがきっかけで、長年の音楽への情熱が爆発し、シーンに登場したのです。それから数年が経ち、Amelieは現在、Lenske & Exhale Recordsという2つのレーベルを主宰し、さらに急成長中のパーティシリーズEXHALEや自身のラジオ番組も担当しています。
Amelie’s journey began in Antwerp, running her own parties and DJing under numerous aliases.
Her debut release came on Italian imprint Lyase, and soon after a trio of releases on Pan-Pot’s Second State gave her recognition on a global level. Today, Amelie regularly headlines festivals including Awakenings, Sonar and Timewarp, as well as playing up to six gigs per week at revered clubs including Rex, Mondo Disko, fabric, Printworks and more.
Since its inception in 2018, her Lenske label has homed releases from techno trailblazers Farrago, Airod and Ahl Iver, with her second label Exhale Records being a dedicated platform to give to aspiring producers. Her long-standing EXHALE event series has grown considerably recently, with sold-out shows in Antwerp, Printworks London, Awakenings’ ADE edition and a residency at Ibiza’s DC-10 in 2022. Following her special 4-hour essential mix for BBC, the success of her Radio 1 residency and extension in 2020, Amelie continues to establish herself as one of techno’s luminaries with the introduction of her weekly radio show ‘Amelie Lens presents Exhale’, streaming online and broadcasting on stations across the globe.
EXHALE Soundcloud Bandcamp Instagram
TRYM Soundcloud Instagram
Amelie Lens Soundcloud Instagram