LIEBE is Rue Oberkampf’s long-awaited second LP. The album can be seen as a reflection on the last two years + Track Premiere

LIEBE is Rue Oberkampf’s long-awaited second LP. The album can be seen as a reflection on the last two years – what we’ve lost, what we’re longing for. Singer Julia de Jouy mourns the loss of club culture and life’s ecstatic moments in general, blending English/French spoken words with unexpected melodic vocals. The diversity of all those kinds of missing “LIEBE” (love) matches Rue Oberkampf’s sounds, moving back and forth between 90s EBM- and techno-fused stompers to surprisingly gothy synth pop and darkwave tracks.

Rue Oberkampf, which is DJ/producer team Julia de Jouy, Oliver Maier and Damien De-Vir, have their roots in early industrial, techno and goth music and are always forging a bridge between different electronic subcultures.

In combination with the on-point mixing by Daniel Hallhuber (Young and Cold Records), LIEBE creates a heavy, but crystal clear sound.
LIEBE is mastered by industrial artist Eric van Wonterghem (Absolute Body Control, Monolith, Klinik), whose style is a perfect match to Rue Oberkampf since their first release in 2018.

With her album artwork, Merchbabe (Kinnat Sóley) created the perfect visual twin for LIEBE. Based on a photography by Silvie Tillard and combined with a lettering by tattoo artist Ehidne Slime, the design confuses the observer with an eerie uncanny valley effect that reminds them of 90s punk and techno aesthetics.

LIEBE 是 Rue Oberkampf 期待已久的第二张 LP。这张专辑可以看作是对过去两年的反思——我们失去了什么,我们渴望什么。歌手 Julia de Jouy 哀悼俱乐部文化的丧失和生活中的欣喜若狂的时刻,将英语/法语口语与意想不到的旋律人声融合在一起。所有这些缺失的“LIEBE”(爱)的多样性与 Rue Oberkampf 的声音相匹配,在 90 年代 EBM 和技术融合的踩踏之间来回移动,到令人惊讶的哥特合成流行音乐和暗波曲目。

Rue Oberkampf 是 DJ/制作人团队 Julia de Jouy、Oliver Maier 和 Damien De-Vir,扎根于早期的工业、技术和哥特音乐,并始终在不同的电子亚文化之间架起一座桥梁。

与 Daniel Hallhuber(Young and Cold Records)的现场混音相结合,LIEBE 创造了一种沉重但清晰的声音。

LIEBE 由工业艺术家 Eric van Wonterghem(Absolute Body Control、Monolith、Klinik)掌握,自 2018 年首次发布以来,他的风格与 Rue Oberkampf 完美匹配。

Merchbabe (Kinnat Sóley) 凭借她的专辑插图为 LIEBE 创造了完美的视觉双胞胎。该设计基于 Silvie Tillard 的摄影作品并结合纹身艺术家 Ehidne Slime 的文字,以一种令人毛骨悚然的恐怖谷效应迷惑观察者,让他们想起 90 年代的朋克和技术美学。
