‘Sustained Resistance’ is the debut album of steadfast techno punks, Maelstrom and Louisahhh as they celebrate a decade of collaboration.
持续抵抗 “是坚定的技术朋克,Maelstrom和Louisahhh的首张专辑,他们正在庆祝十年的合作。
Released on their very own ‘RAAR’, a label known for its commitment to benevolent anarchy, with past releases including work from celebrated heroes like Dave Clarke and Peder Mannerfelt, in addition to lesser-known (but no less thrilling) up-and-comers such as SIN/NER and Walter Gross.
由他们自己的 “RAAR “厂牌发行,这个厂牌以其对仁慈的无政府主义的承诺而闻名,过去的发行包括像Dave Clarke和Peder Mannerfelt这样的知名英雄的作品,此外还有像SIN/NER和Walter Gross这样不太知名(但同样令人激动)的新晋者。
In alignment with the label’s values of releasing beautiful, challenging and unique work, ‘Sustained Resistance’ speaks to the darker parts of the psyche: depression and angst in the slow-building hammer of ‘I am Not a Casualty’, self-betrayal in haunting ballad ‘War in Me’, the pain of love (‘If I Could Hold’) and political outrage at the loss of bodily autonomy and security (‘Vixen’, ‘America’).
This record is about ferocious hope shining through post-postmodern disillusionment, and about creative kinship, trust and fortitude honed over a decade.
Shifting fluidly between ‘industrial jungle’, breakneck, break-beat techno poetry, cinderblock drum-less drone stutters and roaring, seething near-gabber, ‘Sustained Resistance’ also manages more tenderness and truth than Maelstrom and Louisahhh have previously accessed together, marking a new chapter in their creative growth as collaborators and as friends.
持续抵抗》在 “工业丛林”、断裂的技术诗歌、没有煤渣的鼓声、咆哮的、愤怒的近乎咆哮的声音之间流畅地转换,也比Maelstrom和Louisahhh以前一起获得的更多温柔和真实,标志着他们作为合作者和朋友的创造性成长的一个新篇章。
Both members of the duo are powerful artists in their own right, with Louisahhh and Maelstrom making great creative leaps in the last few years independently.
Maelstrom released his second album, ‘Rhizome’ in 2021 as part of a larger exploration of creative interdépendance and ecosystems. Digging still deeper into this theme with multiple critically revered mixes (his ‘Ensemble’ mix named among ‘Best Mixes of 2022’ by Pitchfork that act as proof of concept for the possibility of financial/creative models that serve artists fairly, using web3 and blockchain tools to create better and more fair conditions for producers and artists.
Maelstrom在2021年发布了他的第二张专辑《Rhizome》,作为对创造性的相互依存和生态系统的更大探索的一部分。 在这个主题上,他还深入挖掘了多个备受推崇的混音(他的 “Ensemble “混音被Pitchfork评为 “2022年最佳混音 “之一,作为概念证明,金融/创意模式可以公平地服务于艺术家,使用web3和区块链工具为制作人和艺术家创造更好和更公平的条件。

Louisahhh released her debut record, ‘The Practice of Freedom’ on He.She.They/BMG in March ‘21 (unintentionally on the same exact day as Maelstrom’s Rhizome was released) and has been touring the record as a live band in which Maelstrom gleefully terrorizes machines as Louisahhh storms, seethes and howls around the stage in a cage made of light. The record has been critically acclaimed as ‘the missing link between Nine Inch Nails and Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ (NPR); its music and performance have been an experiment in courage, presence and speaking truth to power, themes which carry over into ‘Sustained Resistance’.
Louisahhh在21年3月在He.She.They/BMG发行了她的首张唱片《The Practice of Freedom》(无意中与Melstrom的Rhizome发行在同一天),并一直以现场乐队的形式巡回演出,其中Melstrom高兴地恐吓着机器,而Louisahhh则在舞台上的光笼中暴走、嘶吼和嚎叫。这张唱片被评论界誉为 “Nine Inch Nails和Yeah Yeah Yeahs之间的缺失环节”(NPR);它的音乐和表演一直是勇气、存在感和对权力说真话的实验,这些主题一直延续到《持续抵抗》中。
While autonomously motivated, Maelstrom and Louisahhh’s most powerful work often comes as a duo.The pair’s collaboration started in February of 2013, when Louisahhh arrived on Maelstrom’s doorstep in Nantes, on her second day living in France. This connection was made at the behest of Louis Brodinski, who suggested that the two would make a great team. Through producing 4 EPs together for Bromance, founding a label (now 14 releases deep), touring internationally as a duo (and eventually as ‘Louisahhh Live Band’), playing celebrated festivals and venues the world over (including label nights at Concrete, Razzmatazz and Fabric), this prophecy proved to be true.
虽然有自主的动力,但Maelstrom和Louisahhh最有力的工作往往是作为一个二人组。这对组合的合作始于2013年2月,当Louisahhh来到Maelstrom在南特的家门口时,她在法国生活的第二天。这种联系是在Louis Brodinski的授意下建立的,他建议两人成为一个伟大的团队。通过为Bromance制作4张EP,建立一个标签(现在有14个版本),作为二人组进行国际巡演(最终作为 “Louisahhh Live Band”),在世界各地的知名节日和场所演出(包括在Concrete、Razzmatazz和Fabric的标签之夜),这个预言被证明是真的。
‘Sustained Resistance’ is a statement of collective survival and evolution while trudging towards true north, a bruised and valiant hope in a torturous time. This body of work was carved from darkness, and not in a kind of goth trope, but more of a lived horror show: post-pandemic disillusionment and disenfranchised grief, rage at broken systems doing exactly what they were designed to do (serve the few at the expense of the many), the overturning of Roe Vs Wade in the United States; all of these external factors have demanded a new urgency and fearlessness in the kind of work that Maelstrom and Louisahhh are creating.
持续的抵抗 “是一个集体生存和进化的声明,同时向真正的北方跋涉,在一个折磨人的时代,一个伤痕累累的英勇希望。这组作品是从黑暗中雕刻出来的,而且不是一种哥特式的特例,而更像是一场活生生的恐怖秀:大流行后的幻灭和被剥夺权利的悲伤,对破碎的系统的愤怒,这些系统正是它们被设计来做的(为少数人服务而牺牲多数人),美国的罗伊与韦德案被推翻;所有这些外部因素都要求漩涡和路易莎所创作的那种作品具有新的紧迫性和无畏精神。
This record travels in a gritty and fierce direction, directly engaging with present issues with timeless execution as if finally there is no reason to sugarcoat anything.
There are no holds barred at this point. These factors combined, plus the incredible interpersonal security in the collaboration – the trust between Maelstrom and Louisahhh after a decade of musical partnership – allows the work to go further than it has in the past; this environment has created this very brutal, brave and beautiful body of work. As the lyrics of the album suggest: ‘What meaning will I make of this?/Graceful under the weight of it’. Equal parts heavy and graceful, ‘Sustained Resistance’ will be available everywhere on February 10th, 2023.

Both Speaking about Album:
“I’m not a casualty” is the 3rd single from Maelstrom & Louisahhh’s new album “Sustained Resistance,” forthcoming on RAAR (February 10th, 2023).
“The cure for the pain is in the pain” snarled through gritted teeth is the anchoring statement for I AM NOT A CASUALTY, the third single from Maelstrom and Louisahhh’s forthcoming debut LP, ‘Sustained Resistance’.
Dealing with the realities of inter-pandemic depression and anxiety while triumphantly refusing to succumb to the sinking sensation, this bodyslam of a track pulls taut the line between ferocious hope and guttering disillusionment. Maelstrom’s whiplash drum breaks and machines that sound like the ground falling out from underneath find a counterpoint with Louisahhh’s lucid prose, the song rising like a storm and going out as gently as a tide.
‘What meaning will I make of this?/Graceful under the weight of it,’ is a question as much as a prayer that closes the song, as ‘I AM NOT A CASUALTY’ is a determined, fierce promise or mantra for anyone who might be struggling in these challenging times.
The music video is also a trailer for “Oirahralma,” a forthcoming short film that is part of the story of the Quest of the Sky, an imagined universe created by artist and director Cyan, who’s currently studying at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux, in France.
The Quest of the Sky is a project that combines sound, video, installation, performance, photography and costume and set fabrication. The Quest of the Sky is the name given to a set of stories forming a whole: a mapped world, a language with a precise alphabet and grammar, traditions, and mythological characters. The Quest of the Sky aims to be a “base” from which creative projects and independent branches can be created, all interconnected. The Quest of the Sky draws its source from many already existing mythologies, recovered and arranged.
In the music video, Maya Ebeni embodies Mira (also called Notre Dame des Naufragés) ~ she symbolizes heritage – roots – family – which one must detach from at this particular moment in life. She is the water, the amniotic fluid, she is the mother who rocks.