THE DAY OF THE CLUB CULTURE – submit your event now!

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Tag der Clubkultur

From October 3rd to 8th, the TAG DER CLUBKULTUR Week will stretch across the entirety of Berlin…

…showcasing the diverse club culture of the city. Just like every year, not only the awardees, but also all other clubs, collectives and venues can participate in the festival week with their programs. On this occasion, we would like to explicitly encourage you to become a part of TAG DER CLUBKULTUR Week by hosting your own events!

Furthermore, this year we offer you the opportunity to include your events in our program calendar and promote them externally.

We only need the name of your club or venue, the planned date and time of your event, and a brief description of the concept. You can submit your event concept until September 18, 2023, using the following form.

There are no limits to your event planning – from club nights to workshops, panel discussions, performances, and concerts, everything is possible.

Be creative and showcase what makes you and your location unique. We want the events to be accessible to everyone, so they should preferably be offered for free or at a moderate admission fee. Show the world what sets you apart and why you are essential to Berlin’s club culture!

Together, we can more intensively experience and celebrate the diversity and fascination of Berlin’s club culture.

We are already looking forward to your event concepts and are here to assist you with any questions. Simply drop us an email at