Crystal Geometry arrives on BPitch with his first full EP ”Promised lands”

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After debuting on BPitch’s We Are Not Alone compilation, Frenchman Crystal Geometry arrives with his first full EP for the label.

Showcasing his diversity across four distinct cuts, this is Crystal Geometry in playful and experimental mode, utilizing his modular synth skills to bring us a powerful selection of tracks. 

BPitchのコンピレーション「We Are Not Alone」でデビューしたフランス人アーティストCrystal Geometryが、レーベル初のフルEPをリリースした。Crystal Geometryは、モジュラーシンセのスキルを生かした遊び心と実験的なトラックで、彼の多様性を4つのトラックで表現している。

‘Everlasting Ghost of an Acid Trip’ is a self-explanatory cut that dives deep into themes around death and LSD. With lyrics inspired by the early Norwegian black metal scene, he goes all out with the 303 line and hardcore-inspired beats. ‘Alien Abduction’ was made especially for BPitch, the modular synth taking center stage as 80s percussion and washed-out vocals do the work.

Everlasting Ghost of an Acid Trip」は、死とLSDをめぐるテーマに深く切り込んだ自作カットだ。初期のノルウェーのブラックメタルシーンにインスパイアされた歌詞で、303のラインとハードコアにインスパイアされたビートで全力を尽くしている。Alien Abduction」はBPitchのために特別に作られた曲で、モジュラーシンセを中心に80年代のパーカッションとウォッシュアウトされたボーカルが効いている。

 ‘Drink My Blood’ is one for the hardcore goths, allowing Crystal Geometry to express the depths of his dark soul.

The lyrics say it all, “Drink, drink my blood! It’s dark, like my soul. Feed! Feed on me, don’t waste a drop of that gold”. Finally, ‘The Promised Land?’ addresses the dire situation in the Middle East, redefining the so-called Holy Land. The melancholy atmosphere is potent, reinforced by sombre choir vocals and the trusty 303.

Drink My Blood」はハードコア・ゴスのための1曲で、Crystal Geometryが彼の暗い魂の奥底を表現することを可能にしている。歌詞がすべてを物語っている。「飲め、俺の血を飲め! 俺の魂と同じように暗いんだ。食え!食え!俺の血を。その金を一滴も無駄にするな”。最後に、「The Promised Land? 」は、中東の悲惨な状況を取り上げ、いわゆる聖地を再定義している。メランコリーな雰囲気は、物憂げなクワイアのボーカルと信頼できる303によって強化されている。


“About a year ago Ellen Alien contacted me to ask me to produce a track for the latest We are not alone VA and that’s how it all started.

Soon after she gave me the opportunity to deepen my connection with the monumental label BPitch by releasing a solo record and obviously, I was very excited about it and promptly began working on it.

The 4 tracks of the EP were produced with the idea of all tracks going slightly different directions while remaining in my distinctive style with prominent vocals and hard hitting drums.

I have used a usual blend of analog gear, modular synth and recording software with the 303 taking a bit more place than on my previous crystal geometry releases while not going full-on acid neither.

I hope you will enjoy the music and the different styles I went for, my favorite track of the lot is “drink my blood” that I have been playing a lot in my live sets! 



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Crystal Geometry


Ellen Allien

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